Peter Smillie
Office D2 10
Inselstrasse 22
04103 Leipzig
I am a research group leader (W2) at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig.
My research is in differential geometry, Teichmüller theory, and geometric structures.
I am also interested in general relativity and other connections to physics.
Publications and preprints
- Local asymptotics for Hitchin's equations and high energy harmonic maps. (with N. Sagman)
- Exact Enumeration of Fullerenes.(with P. Engel, appendix by J. Goedgebeur). To appear in Duke Math. J.
- Horospherical dynamics in invariant subvarieties.(with J. Smillie, B. Weiss, and F. Ygouf). To appear in Adv. Math.
- Unstable minimal surfaces in symmetric spaces of non-compact type. (with N. Sagman)
- Completeness of convex entire surfaces in Minkowski 3-space. (with F. Bonsante and A. Seppi).
- Unstable minimal surfaces in R^n and in products of hyperbolic surfaces. (with V. Markovic and N. Sagman). To appear in Comment. Math. Helv.
- Complete CMC hypersurfaces in Minkowski (n+1)-space. (with F. Bonsante and A. Seppi). To appear in Comm. Anal. Geom.
- Entire surfaces of constant curvature in Minkowski 3-space. (with F. Bonsante and A. Seppi). Math. Ann. 374 (2019), 1261-1309.
- On the bordification of outer space. (with K.-U. Bux, K. Vogtmann). J. London Math Soc. 98, Issue 1 (2018), 12-34.
- The number of convex triangulations of the sphere by triangles, squares, or hexagons. (with P. Engel). Geom. Topology. 22, No. 5 (2018), 2839-2864.
Recorded talks
Teaching in Heidelberg
Teaching at Caltech
- Math 109c, Spring 2022
- Math 157b, Winter 2022
- Math 157a, Fall 2021
- Math 191c, Harmonic maps and integrable systems, Spring 2021
- Math 109b, Winter 2021
- Math 109a, Fall 2020
- Math 157a, Winter 2020
- Math 109b, Winter 2020
- Math 191c, Harmonic Maps, Fall 2019
- Math 157a, Winter 2019
- Math 157b, Spring 2019
Other links
Yau student seminar archive
My minor thesis, Volumes of arithmetic locally symmetric spaces (pdf)